In this episode, Phil, Ricky, Damien and Tracy discuss a range of films that riff off Guardians of the Galaxy, well apart from Phil’s whose pick is an astonishing map size comparison review! Discussion explores experimental filmmaking reviewing a machinima made in World of Warcraft; the possibilities of machinima as a pre-market concept testing tool for TV series; and, the influence of fans generally.
Is this a Guardian of the Galaxies riff? (Blu x @Teflon Sega meta-saga Ep4)
32:26 Star Trek Pike – Fan Made Opening | Made in Star Trek Online by ZEFilms Productions released 1 July 2019 and the possibilities for using machinima as a pre-market concept testing tool
Fan vs Studio – Star Trek Pike
41:36 It just a virtual kiss by Juan Poyuan (World of Warcraft) released 19 Nov 2021 (log into Vimeo to watch)
It Just a Virtual Kiss
53:00 Discussion: What is experimental machinima and why do it?
In this episode, Phil leads the month’s news for machinima creators. We kick off with the Nvidia’s Machinima Contest, the Omniverse Create and Machinima apps, GTC conference recordings, the addition of Reallusion’s ActorCore library to the Omniverse platform and ask ‘how well do laptops cope with RTX cards’ (what do you think)? Damien reviews Concert Creator AI for piano with a rendition of Battlestar Galactica’s Kara Remembers piece, Tracy talks about another of her projects demonstrating creative applications of AI (the Art AI Festival) and Ricky highlight’s Phil Tippett’s completed Mad God film project. Other film contests reviewed are the Real Time Shorts Challenge and the Milan Machinima Film Festival and the news of an upcoming Shakespearean performance in GTA Online by Sam Crane. Tracy reviews Draxtor Dupres’ major pandemic machinima film project comparing virtual life in Second Life and Animal Crossing. We discuss the Unreal 5 City Sample, Unity’s Enemies (hiding under the UE bushel) and Ricky’s Paperback Show. Phil also teases us with rumours about GTA6.
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