Completely Machinima S1 Ep 10 Films (June 2021)

Tracy, Ricky, Damien and Phil review a super-diverse set of short films made in Unreal Engine, Animal Crossing, Flight Simulator X, GTA V, and Garry’s Mod.
- Mentioned collaboration tool: Milanote

- Tracy’s Pick: Rick Pearce: Bucket List (Unreal Engine)

- Ricky’s Pick: Animal Crossing Movie Part 1 (Animal Crossing)
- by: Evil Imp
- Made on a Nintendo Switch
- Machinima P1mp Skit (produced by Ricky Grove; voice acting by Ricky Grove, Phil Rice, and Slavo Strangeovich)

- Damien’s Pick: BOMB THREAT in Flight Simulator X? (Flight Simulator X)
- by: Airforceproud95

- Phil’s Pick: Onto the Land and Into the Deep (GTA V)
- by: 8-Bit Bastard
- Also by 8-Bit Bastard: The Five States (Red Dead Recemption 2)

- Phil’s Gratuitous 2nd Pick: The Cure to ALL BACK PAIN and Other Ailments w/ Dr. James Burgerman (Garry’s Mod)
- by: Mr. McFlubberPants
- Video: Why McFlubberpants Has Not Posted In A Year (Garry’s Mod)
- Video: Jack’s Mind Episode 1 (Bioshock)
- Leon Lush YouTube Channel
- Video by Leon Lush: These Youtubers Are Pretending They’re Dying
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