Phil Rice

S3 E55 Film Review: 917 by Krad Productions (Dec 2022)

Tracy Harwood Podcast Episodes December 8, 2022 Leave a reply

In this ep, Phil leads the discussion about one of the most *disturbing films we’ve ever seen, called 917 by Krad Productions, released 30 Oct (spoiler alert: Phil designed the soundscape for it). It is disturbing that there’s a true back story to the film, which is explained – and having watched the film, we couldn’t really think of another adjective that summed it up better. Yep, its disturbing… and we are definitely none the wiser about the truth of 917, that maddening frequency that sends you off into a twirling spiral of err…… All theories welcome!

*Disturbing=anxiety inducing, worrying, upsetting; mental illness such as depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, addictive behaviors.

Youtube Version of this Episode

Film Link

Film has been made in Reallusion’s iClone 7.

Top Shorts Film Festival hosts a monthly contest for films such as machinima and virtual production, website here.

If you are trying to help someone with mental health issues such as schizophrenia, we recommend this website for advice, (UK based) or any other local organization that specialises in appropriate support.

Speakers: Phil Rice, Ricky Grove, Tracy Harwood, Damien Valentine
Producer: Phil Rice
Editor: Ricky Grove
Edited in CreateStudio Pro. Music is from their licensed collection.

Completely Machinima History with Ben Grussi: Quake II Machinima

Tracy Harwood Podcast Episodes March 17, 2022 Leave a reply

In this episode, Ben reviews the notable machinima films made in the early years of the Quake II engine, including skits, a talk show, music videos and some hard hitting documentaries.  This ep also reviews the first real-time live performance of a machinima by The ILL Clan at the Florida Film Festival (2003), which was based on their earlier created characters of Cook Carl and Lenny & Larry Lumberjack. 

YouTube Version of this Episode

Show Notes & Links

0:36 Hardly Workin’ by The ILL Clan, released 22 August 2000

1:57 Eschaton: Nightfall by Strange Company, released 1 Sept 1999

4:27 Late Nite With Toxy and Essobie, Ep 1, released 24 August 1998

Late Nite with Toxy and Essobie

6:50 Rebel Versus Thug by Ken “3D Filmmaker” Thain, released 10 May 2006

8:10 Rick Jones 2 by Bryan “CrustaR” Henderson, released 25 Nov 1999

9:35 Father Frags Best by Phil Rice (ZS Overman), released 1999

Father Frags Best

13:09 Circus Life Part 1 & Part 2 by Andre “Donnovan” Luis, released August 1998

17:20 Common Sense Cooking With Carl The Cook, realtime performance by The ILL Clan at Florida Film Festival 16 March 2003

The ILL Clan

Completely Machinima History with Ben Grussi (January)

Tracy Harwood Podcast Episodes January 27, 2022 2 Comments

Ben reviews some of the major happenings during the month of January in the early days of machinima. Starting with 1997 there’s Operation Bay-Shield. 1998 has the First Quake 2 movie – The Mad Bomber. Rematic, a machinima tool by Anthony Bailey is released in 1999. Also in this year Phil Rice released his notable film, Father Frags Best – a machinima classic. 2000 sees founded and Quad God film was released along with several other notable films. 2002 saw the Reel-Time Challenge contest along with Psyk’s Popcorn Jungle retiring (a big machinima review site). 2003 Anachronox the Movie Part 1 was released. 2004 Red vs Blue second season launched. In 2005 the first noveletta about machinima was written by Mike Hoefflinger called Moving Pictures. In 2006, Hugh Hancock, founder of stepped away from the site to focus on his filmmaking.

youtube version of podcast

Operation Bay-shield (1997) by WendCA

Eschaton: Darkness Twilight (1998) by Strange Company

First Quake 2 Movie: The Mad Bomber (1998)

Rematic (1999) tool created by Anthony Bailey (Quake Done Quick Team). The tool enabled reshoots of existing Quake (1) demos from new perspectives

Father Frags Best (1999) by Phil Rice aka ZS Overman

Quad God (2000) by Tritin Films

A Warrior’s Life (2000) by Donnovan

Ozymandias (2000) by Strange Company

Anachronox: The Movie Part 1 (2003) by Jake Hughes

Rebel Vs Thug (2003) by Ken “3DFilmmaker” Thain – a commercial project with Public Enemy’s Chuck D side project

The Gamer’s Benchmark (2003) by Futuremark released a teaser movies for 3DMark03 – the link is to the full movie after release

Bang the Machine: Computer Gaming Art and Artifacts (17 Jan to 4 April 2004) and The Game Scenes exhibition was created by Stanford Humanities Laboratory and the Cantor Center for Visual Arts at Stanford University presented on ‘the pervasive influence of computer game culture’, curated by Galen Davis and Henry Lowood.

Lenny and Larry Lumberjack (2004) by The ILL Clan – a video of excerpts from their premiere performance of On The Campaign Trail at Void in New York City

“Moving Pictures” (2005), a novelette by Mike Hoefflinger, published by Packet Switched Press – the novel is about a group of people who start their own machinima production with the desire to make it to the big time!

I Surrender (2005) by Tristan Pope is mentioned on Blizzard’s World of Warcraft main website page

The Los Angeles Machinima Collective (LAMC) announces their first machinima production William Shakespear’s Mechbeth – the film was never produced!  Ricky was here?!

Ricky Was Here!

Epic Games’ winners of the Grand Finals of the Make Something Unreal Contest (MSUC) for the Non-Interactive Movie Category 2005 –

– The Journey, 1st Place ($25,000)

– Bot, 2nd Place ($15,000)

– Sparked Memory, 3rd Place ($5,000)

– Scrap, 4th Place ($3,000)

– Damnation, 5th Place ($1,500)

Adventures in Dating, first episode (PG13 series) entitled Frustration (2005) by Decorgal

Completely Machinima S1 Ep 20 Phil Rice’s Film OBIT (October 2021)

Tracy Harwood Podcast Episodes October 7, 2021 Leave a reply

Following an introduction to our Halloween themed October podcast, we start this month off with a discussion about Phil’s latest film, OBIT. Phil talks about his inspiration, the challenges of working in RDR2, the soundscape and the original music by the amazing Marco Simone.

Introduction section –

PEDS by CJ Ambrosia and Season 3 Playlist (CJ recommends watching 26 to 34 ‘so you’re not completely lost’!)

Tracy’s interview with Hypatia Pickens, aka Sarah Higley

OBIT discussion

OBIT by Phll Rice

Links to film –



Phil’s website

References –

Shane by George Stevens

Marco Simone musician

Milan Machinima Film Festival

Completely Machinima in History with Ben Grussi (September)

Tracy Harwood Podcast Episodes September 30, 2021 Leave a reply

Ben gives us the rundown on notable highlights from the beginnings of machinima that happened during September between 1997 and 2006.

Show Notes & Links

Phil Rice’s Male Restroom Etiquette

Zerstorer (Quake Total Conversion with in-game cinematics) in-game trailer by Nihilism Unlimited 

Circus Life-Part 1 for Quake 2 by Donnovan 

Apartment Huntin’ by ILL Clan

Rendezvous released by Peter Rasmussen, Nanoflix

Discreet’s Gmax free modeling package for games first edition release

EA’s Battlefield 1942 release – Foundation for creating No Licsense and other notables, Ours Again, Blabberfield 1999 series and Soldats San Merci, see Internet Archive Search: collection:”animationandcartoons” AND (mediatype:movies AND subject:”Battlefield 1942″) 

Fake Science by Dead On Que 

Halo PC release

Unreal Tournament 2003 release

Red Vs Blue: PSA #4 Microsoft Professional Development Conference (PDC)

Swiss Army Bot Part 1 by Nabih Saliba

Swiss Army Bot Part 2 by Nabih Saliba

Unreal Technology Demo by Epic Games release (shown at Game Developers Conference

Scourge Done Quick Toon Edition by QDQ

Halo Matrix “Film” (Halo re-enactment with sound from the movie)

First Doom 3 machinima cinematic released is ‘Last Ten’ created by ‘Oneofthe8devilz’ 

Artemis Software releases Nesmut via  (official selection of the 2005 Machinima Film Festival) 

The second Doom3 ‘scripted” machinima, cinematic example for a scripting tutorial at! by ‘indianajonesilm’

P.A.N.I.C.S by Rooster Teeth Productions

A Different Song by Britannica Dreams

Stolen Life trailer by Peter Rasmussen, Nanoflix

Interview with Frank Dellario and Matt Dominiani on This Spartan life

The Awakening Atlas Productions final episode presents a feature about Rooster Teeth entitled “Machinima Pros Make a Living Playing Halo with their feet”

Male Restroom Etiquette by ZS Oveman aka Phil Rice

Paul Marino interview with Steve Sullivan (ILM ZVis) for VFXWorld by Barbara Robertson