Cyberpunk 2077

S4 E138 Cyberpunk+Found Footage: Inner Migration (July 2024)

Tracy Harwood Podcast Episodes July 17, 2024 Leave a reply

This week’s film is a machinima that deals with pollution in the most overt way it can. Andy Hughes’ Inner Migration juxtaposes Cyberpunk 2077 against some ‘found footage’ taken from early 40s/60s films and General Motors corporate ‘forecast’ of the future of technology. We discuss how machinima is an interesting way to explore social commentary and analyze the use of video games as a medium for artistic expression and engaging young people in social responsibility. We also reflect on the potential of media and science fiction to inspire change and address social ills. Our conversation concludes with insights on how viewers can make sense of complex films and draw inspiration from multiple perspectives.

YouTube Version of This Episode

Show Notes & Links

Inner Migration 720 by Andy Hughes, released 18 March 2024

Prelinger archive, accessible here

S4 E108 Cyberpunk 2077 The Movie – Trailer (Dec 2023)

Tracy Harwood Podcast Episodes December 21, 2023 Leave a reply

This week, we review a trailer for a movie, although the full movie is now also available: Cyberpunk 2077, by Jack Hunt. In many ways this is an astonishing and timely feat, not least because the ultimate edition of the game released earlier this month too (5 December). We start by discussing The Witcher’s update, a piece of news that is highly relevant to the release of the film we review.

YouTube Version of this Episode

Show Notes & Links

Film, by Jack Hunt, released 10 Sept 2023 –

The full movie here, released 17 Sept 2023 –

The Witcher 3 mod editor update story here.

Our review of Half Life Alyx movie and interview with Half Peeps

Anachronox, by Jake Hughes, is available on Internet Archive here

S4 E98 World of Warcraft/Cyberpunk 2077: Neo Stormwind

Tracy Harwood Podcast Episodes October 11, 2023 Leave a reply

WOW! Our collective adjective for this World of Warcraft / Cyberpunk 2077 mashup. This is a stunningly edited urban observational film, set in a strange new world the like of which we have never seen before – a cacophany in a good way. Shades of Blade Runner, Robocop and Mad Max run through the film, with a soundscape and accompanying music that are a perfect fit. We also loved that  @DurenMachinima  has cited his inspiration, mentioning the late, great  @Phixor2000  among others.

YouTube Version of this Episode

Show Notes & Links

Neo Stormwind (WoW Machinima) by Duren, released 4 Aug 2023 –

Olibith series called Never Stay Tuned, an hilarious commentary on popular culture within the World of Warcraft –

IK edit, Secrets of Ulduar, which is a cinematic of Wow that has been remastered –

S3 E87 Cyberpunk 2077: Don’t Fall Down, Cinematic Machinima Music Video (July 2023)

Tracy Harwood Podcast Episodes July 26, 2023 Leave a reply

A love letter to Cyberpunk 2077? In this week’s episode, the CM crew discuss a cinematic music video that perfectly captures a uniquely human feeling of people watching… and reflects on the phenomenal creativity of procedurally generated character content in the Cyberpunk world. The film is called Don’t Fall Down by Puttefnask and the song it accompanies is Pray by Haelos – it is perhaps a more fitting video than the original.

YouTube Version of this Episode

Show Notes and Links

Film, by Puttefnask, released 23 February 2023 –

Made using Cyberpunk 2077 Photo Mode mod v 1.0.20 by Otis_Inf, link here

Original music video, Haelos – Pray, released 26 Oct 2015 –

Falling Down (1993), analysis of meaning

Bruegel the Elder, painter, a discussion of his work here –

A useful link on street photography here

S3 E56 Film Review: Artists of SL by Teal Aurelia (Dec 2022)

Tracy Harwood Podcast Episodes December 15, 2022 Leave a reply

This episode is Ricky’s December film pick, Artists of Second Life by Teal Aurelia, released 3 October 2022. We discuss the emerging trend of photography in virtual worlds and reflect on the significance of the compositing used by the creator of this film, which has a surprising backdrop to the runway style presentation of ‘inspiring’ characters. Plus, we reflect on the state of TV advertising today!

YouTube Version of this Episode

Links & Show Notes

Film –

and this is Teal’s editing and compositing process video we discuss in our review –

Create Studio Pro – a low cost tool for editing short form content such as adverts