Source Filmmaker

S4 E135 Destruction & Hope: Day of Darkness II | The Wanderer (June 2024)

Tracy Harwood Podcast Episodes June 26, 2024 Leave a reply

In this episode, we analyse our picks’ cinematics, beginning with ‘Day of Darkness’ made in Eve Online by Dire Lauthris and completing with ‘The Wanderer’ made in the Source engine by Dominzki. We discuss the use of ambiguity, character development, and narrative qualities, as well as the advancement of video game cinematics and in-engine techniques. We also examine how the horror of war has been conveyed through the unique visuals and sound effects in both these films.

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Show Notes & Links

Day of Darkness II by Dire Lauthris, released 30 March 2009

Interesting film review here

Best EVE Online fan video listings here

The Wanderer [SFM Short Film] by Dominzki, released 8 March 2024

Interview with Dominzki in Mann Magazine here

By way of reference, check out our review of Leo Lucien Bay’s film Beast here, which we did in the very first episode of our podcast!

S4 E119 Feature Length: Emesis Blue (Mar 2024)

Tracy Harwood Podcast Episodes March 7, 2024 Leave a reply

In all our years of involvement with machinima (over 75 years between us!), feature length has been something we’ve rarely found watchable… but with this week’s pick, we were proven wrong, mostly! Emesis Blue, made in Source Filmmaker using the Team Fortress 2 characterisations by Fortress Films, is an incredibly well-made if very complex story that was crafted over many years.

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Show Notes and Links

Film, by Fortress Films, released 21 Feb 2023 –

Another review here, by Durham College Chronicle.

Ricky discusses pulp fiction, not the Tarantino film, but the style – here’s a useful source to find out more

Phil compares the film to Nolan’s style of filmmaking – more on that here

S3 E83 Half Life: HEV Suit (June 2023)

Tracy Harwood Podcast Episodes June 29, 2023 Leave a reply

This week, Phil has selected a short that will make all those H&S and Half Lifers smile equally… HEV Suit by  @Zapper770 … because we all need more head crabs in our lives. The film is an example of great comedy timing.

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Show Notes & Links

Film, by Zapper770, released 26 April 2021

Paul Marino, director of the Academy of Machinima Arts and Sciences and author of one of the first books written on how to make machinima, called The Art of Machinima (2009) (actually its pretty outdated in terms of advice, but good for ‘ole’ time’s sake’!

S3 E75 Film Review: Patient Zero – A Half Life Short (Apr 2023)

Tracy Harwood Podcast Episodes April 26, 2023 Leave a reply

Recently, we’ve seen some really great HL2 shorts, and this week we have an excellent one for you – Patient Zero is by TheParryGod aka Richard Makk, released in Feb. This is so well done you can cut the atmosphere with a butter knife, the choreography between the actors is brilliant and there are even some gratuitous small animal shots to boot. Hear us discuss the details and check out the film following the links below.

YouTube Version of this Episode

Show Notes & Links

Patient Zero – A Half Life Short, by TheParryGod aka Richard Makk, released 22 Feb 2023 –

Link to TheParryGod’s Flickr account here.

S3 E70 Film Review: Mann Co: Employee Training Video (March 2023)

Tracy Harwood Podcast Episodes March 23, 2023 Leave a reply

This week’s film is a SFM Saxxy 2017 entry by Tipsy Duck called Mann Co: Employee Training Video. Lots of in-jokes and satire in the style of a PSA machinima. It has a fantastic voiceover by Keith Ferrell aka Mr Tush.

YouTube Version of this Episode

Show Notes and Links

Film, by Tipsy Duck, released 8 Mar 2018 –

Tipsy Duck’s YouTube Channel

Phil’s classic PSA style satire, which made it to the Guinness Book of Records back in the day –

Link to playlist for the Saxxy Awards –

The Consultant, starring Christoph Waltz –

based on a novel by Bentley Little – check out the book review here on Scream Magazine’s website