This month of Halloween, Ricky, Phil, Tracy and Damien discuss horror machinima – and is the genre of horror dead in machinima? The team also reflect on feedback from last month’s discussion on long vs short-form machinima. Finally, the team discuss the thought process for choosing a creative platform for making a new machinima. As ever, feedback on our discussion topics is very welcome!
Here’s a list of links that came up during our discussion this month –
Long-form machinima feedback – LINK to our discussion last month

Beware the Eye of Amun Ra by Chris Herald
Is the horror genre of machinima dead?
- Tales of the Weird series at the British Library (reference to EF Benson and others)
What’s the thought process for choosing a platform for a new machinima project?
Paul Marino’s recommendations for making machinima
Epic Games’ CTO (and co-founder of ILMVFX) Kim Libreri comments about the role of audience in machinima (quote from Pioneers in Machinima) –
[Tracy: What advice might you have for those new to storytelling using machinima and virtual production techniques?] Kim: Create, watch, and share. You’ll end up being in a vacuum if you don’t share your work with anybody. Learn how to use the tool and remember that it’s really important that when you are creating a story you’re making it for an audience. So, find the audience and learn from their reactions. Create a lot. Watch a lot of movies. Play a lot of video games because the game aesthetic and link to the movie aesthetic is interesting. Share what you’re making.”
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