We take a look at one of the best machinima series we’ve ever seen this week… from the annals of history. The Fixer series was a crime drama created by Todd Stallkamp (aka Burnt Coffee Productions aka TodNYC28) made in Sims 2 and originally released in 2006. Todd was part of the first brain drain from the world of machinima, and shortly after the release of this series was snapped up by EA Games as a content creator where he still is, ironically now in charge of the Sims amongst other games in its portfolio. We revisit the series in our review, discuss how well its stacked up against contemporary machinima and why its still one of the greatest machinima series we’ve ever seen! Ricky concludes, if Todd hadn’t gone to EA, he’d now be making TV shows and films: ‘… you could take this series, make it live action, use all of the shots that Todd made and put it on Amazon as a series.’
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Show Notes & Links
The Fixer, Chapters 1, 2 and 3, by Burnt Coffee Productions (Todd Stallkamp) – remastered versions on Phil’s Vimeo channel for the Machiniplex classics –
The Fixer, Ep 1 – Fat Men Run
The Fixer, Ep 2 – Guns, Ghandi and Getting Some
The Fixer, Chapt 3 – One Digit Off
Todd Stallkamp talking about the importance of machinima –
An example of Todd’s machinima projects for EA expansion packs –
The first part of the ITV Westcountry news documentary filmed by Todd and Trace Sanderson –
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