S5 E165 What is it about those HL NPCs? Ridiculous Ties (Jan 2025)

This week’s #machinima short is ridiculous, yep Ridiculous Ties – a meme response to Eltorro64Rus’ review of favorite and least favorite words used by the Scientist in Half Life, created by Finzlow. And did we say its ridiculous?! We love the well-crafted humor in this, in-jokes with some of the best timing and inspired editing we’ve seen for quite some time. Although its strictly not machinima, it is definitely from a machinima stable, so it counts for us at least. Our review –
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Ridiculous Ties by Finzlow, released 5 March 2024
Eltorro64Rus’ short about the Scientist’s favorite and least favorite words –
Lazzi (plural of lazzo) are comedic routines or gags used in Commedia dell’Arte. They are pre-rehearsed bits of physical or verbal humor that can be inserted into performances, often improvised, to entertain the audience or punctuate the action. Here’s a link to a teacher’s pack you mind find useful.
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