Completely Machinima Interview: Vladimir Nadein & Dmitry Frolov, curators (June 2023)

In this bonus episode, Tracy talks to the curators of the Oberhausen International Short Film Festival, Vladimir Nadein and Dmitry Frolov.
YouTube Version of this Episode
Show Notes and Links
Tracy’s blog post about the Oberhausen International Short Film Festival, including links to newspaper reviews about the festival’s machinima programme, Against Gravity
CM team discuss Oberhausen –
Sam Crane’s article: ‘Making movies in video games: why the film world is finally ready to take ‘machinima’ seriously’ in The Conversation, 16 May
Chris Marker’s machinima on Second Life –
Visions du Reel Swiss Film Festival 2023 special jury prize winner, Knit’s Island by Square Eyes –
Against Gravity showcase at Norway Film Festival link
Milan Machinima Film Festival link
Phil’s project to restore Machiniplex films starts with the release of his own Male Restroom Etiquette (originally released in 2006), with a hosted premiere of the HD remastered version on 11 June. The film was listed in the Guinness Book of Record’s Gamer’s Edition in 2009 as the most viewed machinima on YouTube at the time. Link here –
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